Salomée Souag is a muralist, designer and creative from Switzerland who holds her Peruvian and Algerian ancestors closer to her heart, her community and her work. She currently lives in Portland & prides herself in her multi-cultural identity and encourages others to step outside of the box society has created for them.
Salomée (AKA Sola) has shifted from the corporate advertising world to fully immersing herself in the push for a revolution. In her consistent and continuous evolution and artistic practice, she curates revolutionary work to give power to the people, the youth and artists. By taking up space in all forms, whether through projection mapping and large scale painting, wheat pasting and installations, or workshops for BIPOC artists and the next generation, Souag’s bold and powerful work encourages everyone to break down boundaries and borders, and to imagine expression.
“Art and design are able to change perspectives; one wall at a time, one poster at a time, one message at a time. Expression is a weapon for change, we the creatives can fight all that is of hatred in the world. The system wants us to be oppressed and complacent, to not question everything. With art we are able to fight against that by bringing all perspectives to the surface and creating a culture that pushes for equality and justice.”
For work inquiries and future collaborations please email salomee.x.souag@gmail.com
Grants and Awards
Adobe Live Creative Cloud Winner
Weiden and Kennedy LatinX Exhibition Selected Designer
Portland State University Scholarship
Portland Street Art Alliance Ladies Up Selected Muralist
Portland In Color Selected Design
Mana Contemporary Project 270 Get Out the Vote Initiative selected artist
Save Art Space Billboard Exhibition Selected Artist
Regional Arts and Culture Council Behavioral Health Resource Center selected muralist
Regional Arts and Culture Council Make|Learn|Build Grant
Oregon Arts Commission Artist Relief Award Grant
City of Portland Community Healing with Art Intiative Award for Billboard Exhibition
Amplifier #Vaccinated initiative selected artist
Oreogn Artist Foundation Artist Resilience Program grant
Art Immersions (AIP) Fellowship Award
Planned Parenthood Public Art FISK Program Selected Artist
Behance Illustrator and Street Art Awards
Seeding Justice Fiscal Sponsorship
Soho House Womens History Month Panellist
Carnation Contemporary My Private Property Selected Artist
Regional Arts and Culture Council Holgate Library Selected Muralist
Low-Income Housing Project Powell Selected Artist
Regional Arts & Culture Council’s Public Art Purchase
Soho House Portland Muralist
Expression Against Oppression
Public Art Billboard ExhIbitIon 2021
Heron Arts
Foundation Group Exhibition 2022
Carnation Contemporary
My private property group Exhibition 2023
Fruit of my Past Solo Exhibition 2023
Mooni Mexico City
Selected Works in Gallery 2023
Press and Articles
Portland Monthly Magazine
Shado Magazine
The Next Cartel
Type 01
Heron Arts
Ever/Out Portland
Oregon ArtsWatch
Casa Lu Mexico City
Texere Tule, Oaxaca
Tranquilo Puerto Escondido
Grana B&B Oaxaca Centro
Hangar Lisbon
Hektor Canary Island
Somos Berlin
Teaching and Community Engagement
2020- Present
Vancouver School of Art
Revolutioary Art Practice Teacher
Mentor and Mural Workshop Lead
Color Outside the Lines
Mentor and Mural Workshop Lead
Muralist Mentor
Living School of Art
Community Building Workshop and Mural Painting
Cada Casa
Revolutionary Practice Youth Workshop
Regional Arts and Cuture Council Community Engagement
Print Making Workshop All Ages